Grounding for an Enterprise Computing Nomenclature Ontology

We aim to lay the basis for a unified architecture for enterprise computer nomenclatures by providing the grounding ontology based upon the BORO Foundational Ontology. We start to lower two significant barriers within the computing community to making progress in this area; a lack of a broad appreciation of the nature and practice of nomenclature and a lack of recognition of some specific technical, philosophical issues that nomenclatures raise. We provide an overview of the grounding ontology and how it can be implemented in a system. We focus on the issue that arises when tokens lead to the overlap of the represented domain and its system representation – system-domain-overlap – and how this can be resolved.


ER 2019, 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 4-7 November 2019, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


Chris Partridge (BORO Solutions, University of Westminster)
Andrew Mitchell (BORO Solutions)
Sergio de Cesare (University of Westminster)