Grounding for an Enterprise Computing Nomenclature Ontology - Long Version

We aim to lay the basis for a unified architecture for nomenclatures in enterprise computer systems by providing the grounding for an ontology of en-terprise computing nomenclatures within a foundational ontology. We look at the way in which nomenclatures are tools both shaped by and shaping the prevailing technology. In the era of printing technology, nomenclatures in lists and tables were ‘paper tools’ deployed alongside scientific taxonomic and bureaucratic clas-sifications. These tools were subsequently embedded in computer enterprise sys-tems. In this paper we develop an ontology that can be used as a basis for nomen-clature ‘computer tools’ engineered for computing technology.


ER 2019, 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 4-7 November 2019, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


Chris Partridge (BORO Solutions, University of Westminster)
Andrew Mitchell (BORO Solutions)
Sergio de Cesare (University of Westminster)